Mature Sexy Lady 38, offer Massage and Related Services to Massage to Men and Couples
- Strada si Numarul: London
- Telefon::
- Country / Statul, Ţara: United Kingdom
- Cod Postal: SE10
- Listed: 06/24/2020 4:18 PM
- Expires: This ad has expired
Mature Lady 38 yrs old, very sexy, offer Erotic Massage and Related Services to Massage to Men & Couples Erotic Massage and Related Services to Massage. Offered to men, woman and couples. Maximum two men at the time.
Types of Massage I can give: Therapy/Swedish Massage, Relaxation Massage, Erotic Massage.
£50 for One Session / 1 Round (Cum once) Oral or Vaginal;
£70 for One Anal Session / 1 Round (Cum once) Anal;
£100 for Two Session / 2 Rounds (Cum twice) anywhere, oral included even if 1 round is vaginal and 2nd round is anal.
Please email me 5 days in advance to pre-arrange the ‘randez-vous’ (appointment), and I will confirm you with a reply and text message on your phone as well, so if you wish so place your phone number in the email-message.
Dna matura 38 ani, senzuala si foarte sexy, experimentata, ofer Domnilor si Cuplurilor Masaj de Calitate si alte servicii aditionale Masajului erotic. Pentru programare rog trimiteti email cu 3 zile inainte de data dorita si aproximativ ora. Veti primi confirmare de primire si programare. In ziua in care ati ajuns in orasul sunati si va spun/trimit adresa mea. Multumesc!
Tipuri de Masaj ce le pot presta: Masaj Terapeutic (Swedish) Masaj, Masaj Relaxare, Masaj Erotic cu finalizare (oral, normal, anal). Oferit domnilor, doamnelor si cuplurilor. Maximum 2 barbati odata.
Pentru programare va rog trimiteti email 5 zile in avans. Veti primi confirmare pe email si text-message pe telefon (daca doresti) cu orele disponibile in ziua dorita. Merci !